The following are some student assignments from TUL560 Community Economics...
Students developed processes of ten Bible Studies on ten principles of Biblical Economics:
Since the mid 1970's a global movement of capital formation through collective savings, and capital access through microloans has now become mainstreamed into the Microfinance industry.
Students will grasp the qualities, infrastructure factors and essential processes for emergence of an entrepreneur in the slums
Students will be able to describe aspects of global economics that affect the slums: the two circuits, trade between cities, conditions for achievement orientatioin, religious/psychological preconditions in cultures for economic take-off and the effects of these on lower circuit release of entrepreneurs
TUL560 is an internship in the social entrepreneurship elements of the degree. Each course begins and ends in action, resulting in transformation of people's lives and the contexts and issues of urban poverty.
This is also one of the theological courses in the degree, developing a theology of economics using an action-reflection approach.