Student Papers (Page under Construction)

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Following Jesus' incarnational model, students live with a family in or near a slum community, so as to enter into the lifestyles, issues and contexts of the poor.

TUL505 Language and Culture Learning

TUL500 Writings, Reign and Reality

(Also known as Biblical Theology or Urban Misision or Visions for the Ideal City)  

Pioneering Faith Communities

Religious and Social Movement Leadership

Students learn from movement leaders and under experienced NGO and religious leaders.

TUL530 Pioneering Faith Communities

TUL620 Movement Leadership

Learning Communities

Character and Academic Formation

The learning community and local hosts engage students with the heart of academics - deep character dynamics - as they share in action and reflection amidst the complexities of urban poor life.

TUL520 Urban Spirituality

TUL670 Research Project/Thesis

Papers from Students


Papers from Internships

  • #1 Service to the Marginalized

    This course guides students in understanding the conditions of marginalized populations and in formulating a theology and strategy for team-based responses that aim to free individuals and change structural causes.

    Some papers from this internship.

  • #2 Educational Center Development

    This course offers analysis of local education with a focus on developing and improving preschool, elementary, and technical schools in the slums as integral to the work of urban poor churches.

    Some papers from this internship.

  • #3 Theology & Practice of Community Economics

    This course relates biblical and theological perspectives on human development to the theory and practice of community wealth building.

    Student Papers from this internship.

  • #4 Primary Health Care

    An exploration of public health challenges facing the Church within slum communities, along with innovative, community-based responses, this course highlights topics such as environmental health, maternal and child health, and chronic health conditions prevalent in slums. Students serve as mentored interns with a health organization in the community where they live or work.

    Some papers from this internship.

  • #5 Advocacy & The Urban Environment

    Students examine the relations between urban poor communities, the land, and broader environmental problems including natural disasters. Fieldwork focuses on advocacy for adequate housing, infrastructure services, and effective disaster response.

    Some papers from this internship.

  • #6 Building Faith Communities

    This course applies a story-telling approach to the process of entering poor communities and developing holistic poor peoples' churches in ways faithful to the values and goals of the Kingdom of God.

    Some papers from this internship.